Global Risk Landscape 2023

The eighth edition of our Global Risk Landscape Report is based on a survey of 500 C-suite executives across Europe, MEA, APAC and the Americas.

The focus of this years report is the 'risk multiplier effect' - how different risks intersect and amplify one another. Consequently, business leaders are moving away from a predominantly preventative approach to focusing on mitigating inevitable risks, in an era where change and upheaval is unavoidable and constant.

Read the full report to find out:

  • How well global businesses are identifying with the risk multiplier effect
  • How important the role of risk leaders is becoming worldwide
  • Why AI and digital transformation is at the top of the agenda for global businesses
  • How organisations are dealing with challenges such as human capital risk, fraud risk and the threat of climate change.

The report and survey cover a range of issues and deliver a huge amount of useful data. You can use the report to gain insights that can help inform your risk management processes and to understand why leading businesses around the world are moving toward a more risk-welcoming approach.

Please fill out the following form to access the download.